“No mastectomy for me!!!!!! I had an advanced stage of breast cancer and my doctor was pushing a mastectomy and well as their other treatment. I am so grateful my friend referred me to the wild apan. I am now cancer free!!!!

Amy D.

North Huntingdon, PA

“I recently had prostate cancer surgery, so this product was taken to help my body heal internally, as there are stitches that I truly need to heal properly for resumption of previous activities. Prior to taking, internal itching was at an all-time high, but within two weeks on taking this product my clotting was passed and itching has gone away! I am still on the road to recovery, but believe my own body is doing well without any other medications. Thank You!”

Anthony L.

New Braunfels, Tx

“I have been on your product for a couple months and am very much improved from what I was. I just got back from my oncologist. He is pleased that there is improvement in my health, even though I did not undergo his recommended treatment. I am excited to see the continued healing.”

Alfred M.

Hobe Sound, FL 

“Three months now and my cancer is in complete remission. My doctor calls it a “spontaneous remission” but I know its the Wild Apan. That is the only thing I have been doing different. You restored my health and my life!!!!”

Carl C.

Dallas, Tx

“My husband was diagnosed in May with bladder cancer and began the wild apan right away. On his last check up – doctor said no tumors were there and only scar tissue left. We are very pleased with this product!”

Johannas D.

CTavaras, FL

“My doctor said I needed a double mastectomy and then the chemo treatments. Still there was a low probability of my returning to health. I chose to change doctors, i found this website, and change my diet to vegan raw food. I just got the clean bill of health.”

Susan M.

The Villages, FL

My Friend had ovarian cancer and it metastasized and the medical community told her to either go a Hospice or home. They had no other options. She was told about The Wild Apan from a chiropractor and then ordered it and started taking it everyday. So far she has gained twelve pounds and the doctors are currently amazed and wondering what she did to have such a dramatic change in health. They are looking at removing her feeding tube!”

Paul R.

Sioux Falls, SD

“I believe the Wild Apán is the reason my cancer is going away. Before I started on it, the tumor was still growing and now it is shrinking. Already it has reduced by 25% in just a couple months. All I did was add the Wild Apán to what I was already doing. Thank you for this miracle.”

Kelly K.

Ava, MO

“It cleared up a skin cancer in about two weeks. I just placed a drop on the area a few times a day and now its all gone/better. I have also been taking it internally and found it has cleared up a few other health conditions. I am sticking on it.”

Mary B.

Collegeville, PA

“Hey I wanted to give you fine folks an update on the use of the wild apan tincture. My wife was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer November of 21. She has been taking the wild apan for months now along with an oncologist prescribed estrogen blocker. As of her last Dr. appointment her tumor markers were way down and results from her latest P.E.T scan showed remarkable reduction in the cancer. The oncologist was greatly surprised at her improvements. I can’t help but give a big part of the credit to your product. Thankyou”

Brad B.

Whitefish, MT

“I have been on your product for a couple months and am very much improved from what I was. I just got back from my oncologist. He is pleased that there is improvement in my health, even though I did not undergo his recommended treatment. I am excited to see the continued healing.”

Alfred M.

Hobe Sound, FL

“I just want to say I use the Wild Apán for my son David during the chemo and he is cured from Classic Hodgkin Lymphoma within two months. This product also helped him with his nausea. The doctor was so surprised that he was doing so well. They wanted him to do six months and we are not. His PET scan is showing no sign of cancer. So, we decided to stop before it did any damage to his body. Thank you.”

Rachel V.

York, PA

“My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer in May of 2022. I read about your products with much interest in Feb. of 2023. His cancer (very small lesion on his lung) had spread to a nearby lymph node and to his liver. He had been through two chemo therapies at that time. I ordered the Wild Apan and got him started on four full dropper fulls of the Apan in Feb. His last PET scan showed no cancer on the liver or the lymph node. The Dr. dropped him from a 5 day a week chemo and he starts a 3 day treatment on May 26th. I am praying that his next PET scan in a couple of weeks shows even more improvement. God bless you is my prayer for this product……. God is in Control.””

Joy U.

Tallahassee, FL

“Let me just start by saying that, I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!!!

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2019 and out of fear and before I found this product, I completed three rounds of chemo. I took this along with turkey tail mushrooms and let me tell you, I did not once have to take the hormone shot to boost my immune system. I only took that shot after my last chemo (the 3rd one). This stuff works! When I went in to have my surgery, my tumors were 3mm and 6 mm down from 1.7 cm and 1.4 cm after only 3 rounds of chemo, so I know it works.

I will keep taking it, for maintenance.”

Kristy M.

Winston Salem, NC

“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer once again. My previous cancer episode was a few years ago and I underwent the doctors treatment of chemo and it went into remission. A friend gave me a bottle of the Wild Apán as a gift to “just try out”. I started on it right before undergoing the chemo treatment again. I am completely shocked. Before with the chemo I lost my hair and was sick, sick, sick. Now other than a little sickness within the first 1/2 hour after chemo I would not even know I was doing it. The doctor stated, “Wow, your really responding well to the chemotherapy.” I know it has nothing to do with their chemo treatment and everything to do with the Wild Apán I have been taking for the past couple months. THANK YOU!”

Mike A.

Fairfield, OH

“I ordered from my mother who has stage 4 cancer. We are getting great successes just in this short time. It has been an amazing turn around!”

Teresa M.

Venice, FL

“I started having throat cancer. I had just about lost my voice…. Started taking the wild apan mushroom formula, my cancer is in remission and almost totally gone now. And I am so pleased. And I’m telling my friends about this because I can’t believe how amazing it worked! Thank God that I found you all!”

James H.

Temple, TX

“I’m seeing good results with cancer patients, almost every bottle I have purchased, I have donated to terminal people. In 2023, everyone has recovered so far. Very exciting.”

Dr. Mike D.

Webster, NY

“I used it topically, a couple drops three to five times a day, on a skin cancer. I also took it internally. My skin cancer went away in two weeks . . . now nice new healthy skin. I am also feeling better and have more energy. I am going to keep using this product.”

David B.

Midland, TX

“Some more good news my client who had terminal cancer….. and had several cancerous spots on his liver which they were going to operate on. He has had a scan on his liver and it is clear. Amazing thanks to Apán.”

Yvonne J.

Northampton, UK

“My father has been taking 2-3 bottles a month since August. His cancer markers have decreased from 1,300+ to 241. His chemo side effects have been mild, except for fatigue and sharp stomach pain that goes away after he takes Tylenol (instructed by MD). We are very encouraged about the progress from his first diagnosis of stage 3 pancreatic cancer to seeing his cancer numbers improve with his health. Thank you.”

Marc I.

Honolulu, HI