“Three years ago this coming July, I fell and broke my right ankle so bad that my foot hung off to the side. It took surgery, a plate and several screws to put my ankle back together. I was also told by the surgeon that I had soft bones. 3 months in a wheel chair and two more months in a special boot using a knee scooter later, I was finally able to stand for short periods of time. Since this time almost 3 years later, I still walked with a limp, and had pain in my left hip and leg even at night when trying to sleep. Also, I have arthritis in my forefinger and middle finger on my right hand, and over the past 6 months this has also become a problem and source of great pain in first my right thumb and then my left thumb, which meant I could no long crochet, something I enjoy doing. For the past 3 years with the advice of the surgeon and friends I started taking Glucosamine, Calcium, D3, and K2, nutritional supplements that are supposed to help strengthen bones. These may have helped, but the fact remained, I still walked with a limp, and still had pain in my left leg, and pain from arthritis continued to increase. The sad thing is at age 61 pain and discomfort seemed to becoming a normal thing. A month ago I ordered the wild apan and in just one month I am now walking for 30 minutes daily with my husband and not limping. No more pain in my left leg or hip, or my thumbs and fingers.”

Bonnie W.

Savannah, GA

“I’ve been taking the Apan regularly for about 3 and a half months now and I never want to be without it. Never in my life have I experienced healing on so many profound levels. The 1st immediate benefit was my enhanced ability to focus followed by a tremendous increase in energy, vitality, strength, and stamina. So much so that many of my friends were asking ME what I was doing as I had been sickly and weak for months. I’ve also noticed, over time, that my consistent arthritis pain in my toe is gone! I was gravely ill in Dec. for over 3 solid weeks. I had a lingering cough that lasted 2 more months and I just couldn’t muster any kind of energy to do much of anything. By late June, I still wasn’t able to walk the length of my living room without feeling drained. Within a couple of days on the mushrooms. I felt like a completely renewed person. Like I had lost 20 years off my age. The beautiful medicine has literally changed my life. I can’t wait to see what improves next. Its like things just keep getting better the longer I take it! My 37 year old son has had a similar experience and won’t let his bottle run out either! After years of battling all kinds of health issues and trying hundreds of products and protocols and supplements of every kind, I finally fell like I won the biggest best lottery in the world! Thank you with all my heart for this!”

Babbette K.

Oswego, NY

“I first started taking the wild apan to try to help my arthritis. I had been under a lot of stress and not eating healthy and my body had taken the toll. My arthritis had reached the point that it was painful to get up out of a chair or even the car. I could not walk upright. I could just see my health going downhill. My husband and I had been taking these product for about 2 months when I suddenly discovered that I could actually walk upright again without being hunched over and my mobility has improved greatly, I started noticing the arthritic bumps on my hands have started to go down and my fingers seem like they are becoming straighter. And this is the only change I have made to my lifestyle. I’m so excited this has made me want to continue on the journey to good health. Thank you so much for introducing me to your product, it’s a lifesaver.”

Leanna B.

Ava, MO

“During the first two months I noticed some small improvements with better energy and not catching the flu that went around. It really was into my third month that I started noticing the larger changes with my health. My arthritic bumps went down, I could now easily get out of my chair, and my mobility has improved. My blood pressure is now in the normal range as well. Thank you.”

William C.

Maramec, OK