“I love the Daily. have tried all kinds of cholesterol medication, can’t get my high cholesterol to come down. I had a heart attack in 06 and my bad cholesterol was clear up to 400. I now have it down to 252, and I‘ve have had like 96 points come down for the bad cholesterol and triglycerides 129 points. Every part of the cholesterol problem is coming into balance and I just love the Daily and I would recommend it to everyone. Thank you.”

Ruth S.

Hagerstown, MD

My husband and I have been using the Wild Apan for the last 8 to 10 weeks. We have each had our blood lipids checked very recently at different locations. Since Gordon’s last lab report of . . . his total cholesterol has gone from 183 to 145: good cholesterol (HDL) has increased while bad cholesterol (LDL) has decreased: triglycerides are now fantastic and his HDL/LDL risk ratio has dropped from being too high to being in the desirable range. For a 78 year old who once had prostate cancer, he has great health and high energy. I have a genetic tendency to high cholesterol and triglycerides. My recent blood test showed the best improvement I have ever seen in the 40 years I have been tracking this. . . my . . .cholesterol has dropped 43 points; HDL – for the first time I can remember – is in the normal range; LDL although still too high has dropped 25 points; triglycerides have gone from 316 to 182. Coronary risk factor is down from high to a near normal range. While taking it my energy levels have allowed me to have more productive days and at age 71 that is a blessing. I am counting on it as my first line of defense against the serious flu feared for this coming winter.”

Wanda M.

Indigo, CA

Maureen B.

“I have been using the Wild Apan for several months now. I have not gone for my annual check-up yet, but I’m hoping that my high cholesterol will be reduced with the assistance of this concentrate. What I can say is that my energy level and clarity of thought (and creativity) have improved since I’ve been using the supplement. I plan to continue using this supplement and look forward to uncovering future benefits. Thank you so much!”

Centerport, NY