“I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 5 or 6 years ago. This was changed to a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Disease, when further testing showed the extent of my thyroid problems.

Two or three years ago, my primary care doctor sent me to a Rheumatologist, due to my having trouble sleeping and being in constant pain. The Rheumatologist did a few “hands on” tests, and immediately said, “Fibromyalgia”. My first thought was, “Oh, great! Now what!” I had heard of this disease before, and was now aware as to why I seemed to get sick all the time. I was working in the medical field, as an MA and would catch every little thing that came along. Fibromyalgia is an AutoImmune disease and now I knew “why” my immune system didn’t seem to protect me from much.

I was later sent for sleep studies, and it was discovered that I never really fell into a deep sleep, and therefore was “always” tired. These sleep studies were run, due to seizures that I was experiencing in my sleep. As you guessed by now, I was placed on several different medications during this time and the cost alone, were outlandish! The side effects were a “whole ‘nother story”, so to speak.

Daily functions of living were becoming more and more of a hassle and I was living in a “fog” of sorts. My Rheumo doctor called it “Fibro-fog”. All I knew, was that I didn’t want any more to do with it, or the “hot pins” pain in my neck, shoulders, shoulder blades, back, etc… anymore.

Then I found the Wild Apan! The first thing I noticed, was that the “fog” became less and less, and I was actually “awake” all day long! Next, I discovered that my sleep patterns seemed to level out and I actually awoke in the mornings feeling refreshed! The pain has lightened. No more headaches every day, and the skin cancer on my nose even seems to be fading away! Wow! I haven’t been “sick” with anything more than the sniffles for the past 6 months!

A kitten had been playing with my arm, and scratched it. I ended up with a hole being eaten away in my arm, from a fungal/bacterial infection that set in to the puncture wound. The fact that it hadn’t spread all over my body amazed my primary care provider, and the only thing different in my system was your products! We opened up a Defense capsule and put the contents directly onto the wound along with three drops of the Wild Apan. Within 3 days, the hole was completely closed and “new” skin was even growing back.”

Teresa W.

Grovetown, GA