“My wife and I have been using the wild apan as maintenance for about two years now. We are elderly and used to catch the viruses that were running around. Since taking this we have not been sick at all.”

Steve F.

Lawrenceburg, IN

“Have not been without this stuff since I discovered it last year. Shared the info with friends and ended up ordering over 30 bottles for them. Also have a daughter working in the medical field and she takes it on a regular basis to protect her catching something from her patients. Best defence available!!”

Karla M.

Pendleton, IN

“Love the higher strength immunity, whenever I feel something coming on, it takes care of it right away. By far the best all around product for health issues there is!!! Thanks for making it available to the public. Blessings!”

Paul M.

Parlin, NJ

“I have been using their original formula for about two years. I truly believe in their product as I feel during times when my immune system is low, it helps me fight off all the bugs that is going around. When my throats feels discomfort, I usually take a couple of drops and feel much better. The high quality of ingredients they use truly makes them stand out from the rest. When economically it’s tough to spend on extras, I still think it worth buying their products. As this is one product, I will always try to have in my pantry for my family. Please continue to make the same product. Thank You.”

Ryan Y.

Ontario, CA

“I took only a daily dose of the Apan and it relieved an earache that I had for three months. I had a virus and it left me with an earache that was very miserable and painful. It felt like an inner ear infection or block. . . I could hear again. I was so thrilled I could not believe it. I have also had a ringing in the ear for years and the ringing in the ear has just quit it went away. I know this has all been sinus related and I am so grateful to you for such a wonderful product. I also have experienced more energy. I now have my energy back and I am not a couch potato at night. I have a ruptured disk in my back and I am starting to do things that I have not been able to do for years. I have only used ½ a bottle so far and it has been just great. Thank you so much for this great product. I can’t  Thank You enough for this great product.   Thanks again”

Thelma W.

Kaysville, UT

“Since finding this product I haven’t been sick in a year where as last year I was sick for a month well for a month sick for a month etc. I don’t have a spleen so I have a lower white blood count and this has been beyond a game changer. I am beyond relieved and impressed I tell everyone about it! Another interesting fact here that I kind of just put two and two together is I believe this product increases libido at least for me so for women. I am 42 very healthy I take care of myself and I didn’t have a decrease libido but this has been very interesting. Thank you so much you guys for keeping this product available and for keeping it so potent and pure and for always doing your best to keep the price reasonable. I can’t thank you enough! Buy this product! You won’t regret it.”

Rebekah L.

Peoria, AZ

“Okay so, its freezing here in Canada and I am supposed to be sneezing and coughing by now… but I’m not. I’m in complete shock, this stuff really does work! I even gave a tiny droplet to my oldest pet rabbit Cameron. He was getting so lethargic and slow. I am happy to report he has completely perked right up and back to his frisky self! Thank you!! I’m so happy for this blessing!”

Karen D.

Oshawah, CA

“I love this product. I have been taking this for one year. I have had breast cancer with a bilateral mastectomy as well as radiation due to a reoccurrence. I have healed very well from several reconstruction surgeries and am feeling great. Scars are almost disappeared and nerve damage that caused numbness under my arm area has been rejuvenated!! I have not had a cold or flu the entire time. I believe in this product’s ability to boost your immune system to heal yourself in a natural way. This product along with clean food and exercise has changed my life.”

Roseanna R.

Mesa, AZ

“I purchase the Wild Apan because is it a great deal on my budget for my family. We go through a bottle in one month with each of us taking a little each day. The three day flu (really about a five day virus) has already went around my community. It was at my office and in the schools. None of my family, myself included, came down with it and we all were in direct contact with sick people.”

Karen L.

Sulchur, IN

“My curiosity and drive to find new “natural” products for my pets and myself made it easy to try your WIld Apan product. My 15-year old male Dalmatian, Jorge . . . has a lump on his right side for about two years, and over time, it became larger. He also has a large lump on the side of his neck which has fluid in it. Being too old and weak for any type of surgery, our hands were tied. One day after being on WIld APan for perhaps six weeks, I noticed the hair around his tumor on his side was sticking out. There was a scab on part of the lump. The scabbed section was flatter. A week or two later it reddened, and then another scab appeared on another section. I was astonished at what I saw. I am happy to report that the lump has gone down by two-thirds its original size. Also, the large lump on Jorge’s neck went down to about half its size. During this allergy season, I have not seen Jorge bite his feet or other parts of his body, and he is not taking any steroids or medications for allergies. This product is amazing! I, too, take it as I had part of my lung removed and suffer from upper respiratory infections. To date, I am happy to report that I became sick once so far while on it, but was able to recover without antibiotics! The Wild Apan is a wonderful product that really works.”

J. Cech

Orland Park, IL

“I’ve been taking the wild apan regularly for about 3 and a half months now and I never want to be without it. Never in my life have I experienced healing on so many profound levels. The 1st immediate benefit was my enhanced ability to focus followed by a tremendous increase in energy, vitality, strength, and stamina. So much so that many of my friends were asking ME what I was doing as I had been sickly and weak for months. I’ve also noticed, over time, that my consistent arthritis pain in my toe is gone! I was gravely ill in Dec. for over 3 solid weeks. I had a lingering cough that lasted 2 more months and I just couldn’t muster any kind of energy to do much of anything. By late June, I still wasn’t able to walk the length of my living room without feeling drained. Within a couple of days on it I felt like a completely renewed person. Like I had lost 20 years off my age. The beautiful medicine has literally changed my life. I can’t wait to see what improves next. Its like things just keep getting better the longer I take it! My 37 year old son has had a similar experience and won’t let his bottle run out either! After years of battling all kinds of health issues and trying hundreds of products and protocols and supplements of every kind, I finally fell like I won the biggest best lottery in the world! Thank you with all my heart for this!”

Babbette K.

Oswego, NY

“During the first two months I noticed some small improvements with better energy and not catching the flu that went around. It really was into my third month that I started noticing the larger changes with my health. My arthritic bumps went down, I could now easily get out of my chair, and my mobility has improved. My blood pressure is now in the normal range as well. Thank you.”

William K.

Maramec, OK